Request Information

If you are interested in becoming an agent or broker with Aflac , complete our online form and an Aflac representative will contact you with information about career opportunities.

*Required Fields:

*First Name:
*Last Name:
Address Line 2:
*Zip Code:
*Home Phone:
*Confirm E-mail:
*Please tell us where you heard about this Aflac career opportunity:
If you were given a referral Writing Number, please enter it here.
*Internet Source
*Job Code
You need not provide the information requested below to be considered an independent contractor with Aflac . However, the information you provide will be used by Aflac to help fulfill its reporting requirements to federal and state agencies. Your voluntary cooperation is appreciated.
Language Proficiency: *You may select more than one by holding down Ctrl while selecting the languages
American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus (Aflac) 1-800-992-3522